Man Camps
These 2-day, 2-night interventions engage groups of up to 100 men in a combination of adventure activities, group discussions and teaching sessions. The camps inevitably produce emotional healing and positive shifts in attitudes, beliefs and behaviour. They change the way men see themselves, the world and masculinity. Being away from the distractions, escapes and pressures of everyday life, immersed in the wilderness and engaged in discussions with other men about what it means to be a man is powerfully transformative.

We run our camps all over South Africa.
• Invite FAN to run a workshop for the staff in your company or organization.
• Sponsor a programme in a community or school of your choice
• Sponsor the printing of gender-based violence booklets (which can be branded for your organisation).
• Make an “in-kind” donation (contact FAN for a list of needs).
• Make a donation of any size– all contributions receive a Sec 18a certificate for tax.
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