Vaal University of Technology
3 October 2019 | Attendees: 90 | Two sessions were held on the same day, a morning session ran from 10h00 to 12h00 at the Desmond Tutu Hall and an evening session from 17h00 to 19h00 at the VUT Lapa Lounge.
NWU Potchefstroom, 17/09
17 September 2019 | Attendees: 1200 | The FAN #NoExcuse team were asked to address this special gathering of students set up to specifically address the recent high profile cases of Gender Based Violence.
Orbit TVET College, Rustenburg
23 May 2019 | Attendees: 350 | The Rustenburg campus is one of three Orbit TVET College campuses and has a student body of 3800. There was a very positive spirit at the workshop, with both male and female students engaged in conversations around healthy and unhealthy masculinity and femininity.
Orbit TVET College, Mankwe
The scheduled workshop at this campus couldn’t go ahead as there was student protest action on the campus due to National Student Financial Aid (NSFAS) allocations.
Orbit TVET College, Brits
21 May 2019 | Attendees: 300 | Brits is the second largest of the three Orbit TVET College campuses with just under 3,000 students registered. This was the first campus at which we had a 100% male audience.
Tavern Event, Cool Sport, Potchefstroom
24 March 2019 | Attendees: 144 | The event was held on a Sunday morning at 11h00 and advertised by posters and fliers the week before the event distributed in the community by Isaac from the Potch depot. The session was opened by the son of the owner, Tsietsi.
Soccer Event, Potchefstroom
17 March 2019 | Attendees: 1600 | This was a highly successful event. Members of the community poured in and out of the stadium the whole day and several hundred stayed to watch the final which took place under floodlights at about 8pm.
Tavern Event – La G, Potchefstroom
16 March 2019 | Attendees: 119 | The event was held on a Saturday afternoon and advertised by posters and fliers the week before the event. The session was opened by the husband of the owner, Maphosa, who enthusiastically introduced us and praised the #NoExcuse campaign.
NWU Potchefstroom, 11/03
11 March 2019 | Attendees: 450 | The #NoExcuse team was invited to provide the keynote speaker at this event that was set up by the university as part of their wellness week. Senior members of the faculty were present including the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Professor Daryl Balia, who opened the session.