In addition, we filmed and edited short video clips of the 6 Pack of Champion Virtues material which were used extensively by the mentors during lockdown to send to men who had reached out via the ‘Bravest Thing’ campaign.
We launched the NOEXCUSE online course officially during women’s month and have subsequently created Zulu, Afrikaans and Sotho versions. By the end of 2020, 3,180 people had signed up for the English version with 1,173 completions and for the Zulu version 55 sign ups with 12 completions. The Zulu, Afrikaans and Sotho versions have not yet been officially launched and it would be good to do this in 2021 using media broadcast in the relevant language. We have not officially launched the 6 Pack course because of the emphasis on GBV but it is up and running and we have 161 sign-ups with 39 completions.
Most of the initial sign-ups for the for the online courses were gained through social media, word of mouth and corporations.
But as lockdown restrictions eased, we embarked on a campaign to take the #NoExcuse online course to communities which would otherwise not have access to it because of limited access to wifi and technology. Zizipho, Sydney and our team of mentors together arranged over 40 training sessions in various communities and managed to take 1,625 people through the course. Not everyone who attended was able to sign up online, but everyone was exposed to the #NoExcuse material. The completion rate for these sessions was approximately 40%, with many committing to continue the course in their own time.
Most of the initial sign-ups for the for the online courses were gained through social media, word of mouth and corporations.
But as lockdown restrictions eased, we embarked on a campaign to take the #NoExcuse online course to communities which would otherwise not have access to it because of limited access to wifi and technology. Zizipho, Sydney and our team of mentors together arranged over 40 training sessions in various communities and managed to take 1,625 people through the course. Not everyone who attended was able to sign up online, but everyone was exposed to the #NoExcuse material. The completion rate for these sessions was approximately 40%, with many committing to continue the course in their own time.
“My plea is that the father a nation team returns to the west rand and conducts more of these workshops. They really go a long way.“
– Portia Dladla, Westrand SAPS
Funding from the National Development Agency bolstered our efforts and enabled us to provide catering for some of the events and get Sydney and Zizipho on the road to extend our reach.
Most of these training sessions were run in partnership with communities, councils, educational institutions and organisations also committed to the goal of eradicating GBV. We relied on these partnerships to provide venues and in some cases Wifi. Where no Wifi was available we provided connectivity through a mobile router.
Funding from the National Development Agency bolstered our efforts and enabled us to provide catering for some of the events and get Sydney and Zizipho on the road to extend our reach.
Most of these training sessions were run in partnership with communities, councils, educational institutions and organisations also committed to the goal of eradicating GBV. We relied on these partnerships to provide venues and in some cases Wifi. Where no Wifi was available we provided connectivity through a mobile router.
“This program has really empowered our students. I am happy that they will be able to get certificates showing that they have completed the course and that they have done something positive in the community. I am thankful.”
“Thank you so much to the #NoExcuse Father A Nation team for coming through and teaching us about gender-based violence. We are truly grateful.”
“I really wish we could have more of these workshops especially around my circuit. In places like Toekomsrus, Mohlakeng and Bekkersdal are so many GBV cases and few organisations that are as effective as yours. My plea is that the Father A Nation team returns to the West Rand and conducts more of these workshops. They really go a long way.”
“Gender Based Violence is wrong and I am happy I got exposed to this program. It has taught me so much and has also given me an opportunity to always share with others what learn on a day to day basis.”
“GBV is a major problem in our communities and I want to work hand in hand with Father A Nation to see to it that a program of this nature is able to reach as many people as possible.”
“I wanna be the change by helping FAN spread the anti GBV Gospel in my local community and back home in Limpopo.”
“Gender Based Violence has no place in our society. It is important for initiatives like this one to be joined by every man so that we can collectively take a stand against Gender Based Violence.”
“I believe that this course will help a lot of men, I think that there is a lot of self-introspection after taking the course.”
“If we have more courses and engagements like these, I think our kasi’s would be a better place because we are in real need of good role models. Our kids are growing up and looking at gangsters as role models.”
“This program has really empowered our students. I am happy that they will be able to get certificates showing that they have completed the course and that they have done something positive in the community. I am thankful.”
“Thank you so much to the #NoExcuse Father A Nation team for coming through and teaching us about gender-based violence. We are truly grateful.”
“I really wish we could have more of these workshops especially around my circuit. In places like Toekomsrus, Mohlakeng and Bekkersdal are so many GBV cases and few organisations that are as effective as yours. My plea is that the Father A Nation team returns to the West Rand and conducts more of these workshops. They really go a long way.”
“Gender Based Violence is wrong and I am happy I got exposed to this program. It has taught me so much and has also given me an opportunity to always share with others what learn on a day to day basis.”
“GBV is a major problem in our communities and I want to work hand in hand with Father A Nation to see to it that a program of this nature is able to reach as many people as possible.”
“I wanna be the change by helping FAN spread the anti GBV Gospel in my local community and back home in Limpopo.”
“Gender Based Violence has no place in our society. It is important for initiatives like this one to be joined by every man so that we can collectively take a stand against Gender Based Violence.”
“I believe that this course will help a lot of men, I think that there is a lot of self-introspection after taking the course.”
“If we have more courses and engagements like these, I think our kasi’s would be a better place because we are in real need of good role models. Our kids are growing up and looking at gangsters as role models.”

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