Stories and Testimonials 2023
Hearing authentic, real-life stories from the men and women whose lives have been impacted by the #NOEXCUSE on-the-ground roll-out is the greatest reward for our efforts. And it is also compelling evidence that the programme is making a significant difference. Here are some of the stories our team has had the privilege of being a part of.
Stories and Testimonials 2021
Hearing authentic, real-life stories from the men and women whose lives have been impacted by the #NOEXCUSE on-the-ground roll-out is the greatest reward for our efforts. And it is also compelling evidence that the programme is making a significant difference. Here are some of the stories our team has had the privilege of being a part of.
Stories and Testimonials 2020
Being in conversation with thousands of men has made us privy to countless heart-rending stories and revealed many of the deep challenges that men in our country are facing. Our team has had the privilege of playing a small part in helping men improve their lives and the lives of their loved ones.
On-The-Ground Team
As of December 2020, FAN’s in-the-field team consisted of 10 active mentors (3 in Cape Town, 4 in Limpopo, 1 in KZN and 2 in Alex), a Cape Town regional coordinator / facilitator, a Johannesburg based project supervisor and Johannesburg based trainer and facilitator.
16 Days of Activism 2020
OCTOBER - DECEMBER 2020 | The #RenewALLVows campaign was launched during 16 Days of Activism with live events in each of four provinces.
Community Events
JULY - DECEMBER 2020 | 24 EVENTS | OVER 2300 ATTENDEES | As lockdown measures were eased the mentors gingerly started running small community events and activations to keep spreading the message and growing the impact, always careful to maintain Covid-19 protocols.
Online Courses
AUGUST - DECEMBER 2020 | 3396 ENROLMENTS | 1224 COMPLETIONS | OVER 40 WORKSHOPS | During lockdown we began the process of developing an online version of the #NoExcuse and 6 Pack booklets. We launched the #NoExcuse online course officially during Women’s Month and have subsequently created Zulu, Afrikaans and Sotho versions.
Women’s Month Campaign
7-31 AUGUST 2020 | 1,161 COURSE SIGN UPS | 152,004 ONLINE ENGAGEMENTS | For Woman’s Month, August 2020, we took a bold step in honour of women. In partnership with Carling Black Label we created and launched the #NoExcuse For Abuse Online course.
Media Engagements
JUNE - DECEMBER 2020 | A number of interviews on radio and TV during 2020 helped keep the #NOEXCUSE message alive in the public arena. Here are a few of the bigger ones that FAN was a key part of.
Bravest Thing Campaign
APRIL - DECEMBER 2020 | 16 MENTORS | APPROX 10,500 MEN SEEKING HELP | During the first COVID-19 Lockdown, CBL decided to launch a campaign called 'The Bravest Thing' to provide a helpline for men and women who were either victims of abuse or perpetrators / potential perpetrators.
Champion Conversations
FEBRUARY - DECEMBER 2020 | 16 MENTORS | 316 CONVERSATIONS | The plan for 2020 was to train 16 mentors from four different regions (Alex, KZN, Cape Town and Limpopo) to run a series of six conversations with groups of men in their communities.
Corporate Involvement
Organisations and corporations represent a great opportunity to amplify and spread the #NOEXCUSE message and we have been actively engaged in seeking partnerships in both the public and private sector. Here are some of the organisations that we have begun to partner with.